An actor of the then GTV comic series, “Taxi Driver” and a TV presenter George Quaye popularly known as Aboagye has jabbed the Municipal Chief Executive of Tamale, Mr Idrisu Musah Superior for describing the talent of Fancy Gadam as a threat to the Tamale Society.
George Quaye speaking on Accra based Zylofon FM’s Showbiz Agenda challenged that Fancy Gadam’s talent is never a threat to any society but rather an inspiration to the majority of the youth in Tamale.
He continued to say that for a whole MCE to come out and say an artiste is using the blood of Tamale youth to make money is absolutely nonsensical.
“The talent is an inspiration to the youth of Tamale. Do you know how many people through Fancy Gadam know that there is hope and you can make it through music? Do you know how many youths in Tamale know now that they don’t need to leave Tamale and come down to Accra to sleep under bridges just because they look up to talent like Fancy Gadam?
“If were Fancy Gadam, I’d take him on. How dare you open your mouth and say he’s using the blood of Tamale youth to make money? What nonsense! And this is a political leader? It’s appalling.” He jabbed