As it is said, all is fair in love and war. The ear that is used to relish in sweet nothings today will be decapitated tomorrow if the sweet nothings are directed to another ear. Couples fight all the time, but when it gets to the point where people have to lose body parts and be maimed for life because of the irrational jealousy of their partner, you begin to wonder if these people are really in love or just clinging to each other for selfish reasons.
From the little I know about love and relationships, if you really love someone whatever hurts them hurts you too. And so if you’re really into the person your actions would be geared towards not hurting them either physically or emotionally because it feels like doing that to yourself. But maybe that’s just me, because the way people who claim to love each other can fight so violently and try their best to inflict as much pain on each other is just boggling to the mind. What you would not do to your worst enemy, some people will not think twice about doing to those they claim they love.
Such is the case of this “sugar mummy” in Uganda who decided to chew off her lover’s ear because he was entertaining some younger woman in a pub. According to an eyewitness, Mr Joseph Okiria, the 29-year old Richard Enyamu was relaxing at a drinking joint around 7pm in the company of a female companion, enjoying drinks and cake when all of a sudden, 46-year old Petra Amongin popularly known as Ayaye barged into the pub, wrestled Richard to the floor and bit off his year. By the account of the eyewitness, the other lady who was the cause of this fracas quickly took to her heels and avoided getting herself injured by the maniacal sugar mummy.
According to Mr Girifasio Ojiki, the LC1 chairperson of Oburekori village, Ochapa Sub-County in Serere District, this is not the first time the “sugar couple” have been involved in this type of public fighting.