Film Stars

I Am Poor Because Advertising Agencies I Worked With Cheated Me – Psalm Adjetefio

Psalm Adjetefio popularly known as TT of Taxi Driver fame has been in the news lately for very unfortunate reasons. As a veteran actor, fans hardly expected him to show up on TV crying about how poor he is, complaining about how hard life is and appealing for funds to pay for his medical expenses. The actor hasn’t made many returns from his career and people are wondering why considering Taxi Driver was such a hit which made him a household name.
Things have been so bad that the actor has decided to quit acting and turn to evangelism in hopes of improving his financial situation. According to him, after years of acting and gaining nothing in the end, he prefers to channel his remaining energy into winning souls for Christ. His situation is a really sad and unfortunate one and actress Khareema Aguiar had to come to his aid to support him with his medical bills since the actor has been complaining of a heart condition which he needs to perform surgery for. It is heartbreaking how this man has to publicize his poverty in hopes of getting help but Ghanaians are pretending not to notice. But if the worst happens and he kicks the bucket out of frustration, you would see politicians and his fellow actors parading the funeral grounds in their Sunday best and making unnecessarily generous donations to his family when it would have been way too late.
According to the ailing actor, speaking with Gattuso on the Aben Wo Ha show on Kasapa FM, he is in his current situation because of the greed of advertising agencies who only took advantage of him and underestimated his value as an actor. But because he had no guts to complain, he just suffered in silence while they reaped all the benefits. “Advertising Agencies always cheated us. If they had paid me well, I would have had enough to take care of myself and family but I was cheated. If you complain about the amount, they’ll tell you they employed you so you have to shut up. If they paid GHc10,000 for the actor, they’ll give you just Ghc1,000 and pocket the rest”, he bemoaned.
Asked if his experience had made him regret ever going into acting, he replied, “No and I won’t regret acting because acting has opened many doors for me particularly travelling to London without paying a dime and I got to meet so many people.” 

This post was published on April 30, 2018 9:53 AM

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