David Oscar, former host of the unfunniest comedy show of all time “Laugh-A-Minute” turned rasta musician has joined the marijuana bandwagon and is calling on the government to legalize the herb. Today April 4 (4/20) is World Marijuana Day, where marijuana users from all walks of life come together to burn the herb in solidarity. To mark the occasion, the Rastafari Council of Ghana is holding a press conference at the International Press Centre to urge government to consider legalizing marijuana.
Even though the herb popularly known as “ganja” or “ntampi” in local terms is illegal in these parrts and there are a number of people serving jail time for possession, its use is rather quite common especially in the ghettos where you find the youth heavily indulging in it. Most marijuana users are convinced the herb is medicinal and have testified to its healing properties. David Oscar is one of such people, and he believes apart from the health benefits, there is a lot of money to be made from the marijuana industry if it is to be legalized.
Speaking on Daybreak Hitz, he made a strong stand for the decriminalization of ganja saying it is preposterous to consider it as a drug considering the fact that it is “natural. “There is a bigger conversation to this whole herb matter than just branding it as a drug. This is a plant that grows in the soil like any other plant does”, he said. He called for a national debate on the benefits of legalizing and a properly regulating its use and sale. “Why don’t we begin to open up a debate in our schools for our kids to research and debate about it?”, he asked.
“I think that is the way we can educate people about the benefits of it… A certain KIA track was impounded by NACOB; the street value of that was GHC 500,000. If one KIA track is GHC 500,000, two will be GHC 1m. What about trailers? This has a potential of actually creating millionaires”. He also praised marijuana for greatly improving his health, saying “I had a medical condition. Somehow, I got into contact with it. I had been taking painkillers for two years. This thing came and in less than two weeks, it shrunk”.
He said legalizing marijuana will not lead to its abuse as people fear if it regulated effectively.