Loudmouthed author and lawyer, Reno Omokri apparently do not share in the s&x before marriage nonsense or just maybe he is putting up a show.
The man who slits into almost anything and everything that do not sit well with him took to Twitter to prove his point. He says any lady who avails herself to be chopped down before marriage is just like an orange.
READ ALSO: “One Of The Worst Mistakes Is To Marry Because All Your Mates Are Marrying”- Reno Omokri
His tweet below:
“Ladies, A man who sleeps with you before marriage is like a man who gets an orange. Once he sucks it, it is useless to him. Marriage after sex makes you an orange tree.
“You are unlikely to be useless to him because the tree is of greater value than a single orange.”
A man who sleeps with you before marriage is like a man who gets an orange. Once he sucks it, it is useless to him. Marriage after sex makes you an orange tree. You are unlikely to be useless to him because the tree is of greater value than a single orange #RenosNuggets
— Reno Omokri (@renoomokri) April 9, 2018
The comments though.