Back in our basic school days, we were taught in Religious and Moral Education (RME) class that there are three main religions in Ghana. That is Christianity, Islam and African Traditional Religion. Before the colonial masters decided to come and inflict their foreign religions on us, Africans had their own belief system. But they did such a great job of indoctrinating Africans with their “gospel” that the African Traditional way of worship is now considered “evil” and idol worship.
Even though deep down in the hearts of most Ghanaians they still revere the old system of worship, the brainwashing by religionists makes them only succumb to ancestral worship when they think no one is looking. We go to church on Sunday and every other day of the week, go to the mosque on Friday just to prove we are good people. But when it comes down to when we really need to get things done, we visit Nogokpo in the dead of the night to spill blood and crack eggs.
Even during our National celebrations like the independence parades, we seem to have stopped pouring libation even though Christian and Muslim leaders also offer their prayers. Christmas and Easter are national holidays as well as Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha but where is the holiday for the African Traditional Worshippers? This is something that is of major concern to Togbui Klu Agudzeamegah II, Chief of Dagbamate in the Volta Region.
Speaking at the Apetorku Festival held in Dagbamate in the Akatsi South District, Togbui Klu made a passionate appeal to government set aside a special day on the national calendar for the traditional worshippers to commemorate some important rites. He also asked the government to restore the pouring of libation at state functions alongside the Christian and Muslim prayers.
“We at this juncture want to put the following proposals to the government for consideration: government should identify a traditional holiday for the traditionalists as being done for Muslims and Christians. Since independence, pouring of libation was part of all government functions, but what we see now is Christian and Muslim Prayers only performed at government functions. We, therefore, want to propose that pouring of libation at national festivals/functions be re-instated” he pleaded.