Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi, founder and leader of the Glorious Wave Church, has warned ladies to be very careful in choosing their spouses.
According to him, women’s job in marriage are to serve their husbands therefore they must also make sure to choose a husband who can take care of them so that their servitude would not be in vain.
Prophet Kobi, advising ladies, said that in order for them to be servants whose hard work is rewarded and not slaves, women must choose men who can take care of them in return for their labour.
“How can you marry a man who can’t feed you three times a day? Women are there to serve and not otherwise, so I urge every woman to be a servant and not a slave.” Kobi said.
“Marriage is an institution and it is about understanding each other, so if there is no understanding between the two, then the marriage won’t work. Wives must be very submissive to their husbands if they want a fruitful and lasting marriage because husbands are the head of the family.” he added.
“Every man is the head of the family and as a head; you must provide everything for the family.If a man is not financially sound, he must not be in any relationship especially marriage or any other relationship at the first place.”