Never has the saying ‘in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king’ been more appropriate. Imagine these two mediocre comedians fighting for the title of best at anything.
Only in Ghana.
We reported the other day about these two, David Oscar and Derrick Kobina Bonney, going at each other live on air.
Oscar branded DKB a hypocrite, reminding him that he once contacted him (Oscar) for the two of them to create fake accounts and diss Charterhouse, yet he runs around like George Quaye’s best friend these days.
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In response, DKB branded Oscar a bitter has-been.
The two have continued their war of words on social media, first with David Oscar sharing a video from his stand-up days with the bold caption: “Forget your kings, king – kongs, queens and self imposed monarchs … I am the best thing that happened to Ghanaian Stand up Comedy. Let any fellow who “can” claim otherwise, step up for a debate.”
DKB was not lying down and responded on Thursday with his own bullish post: “Godfather KSM himself publicly crowned me the new KING OF COMEDY ?
? If anyone doesn’t understand, please dash him data to watch
I know these two are supposed to be comedians but they are actually a couple of jokers.