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The Movie Industry Is Alive And Kicking — Akrobeto

Veteran Kumawood star Akrobeto, arguably the funniest man in the country, has rubbished assertions that the movie industry in Ghana is dying.
According to him, he has already featured in seven movies this month therefore as far as he’s concerned, the industry is vibrant and not as dead as other people would like you to believe.
Speaking on the issue, the funnyman, real name Akwasi Boadi, said they are facing challenges in this new era of easily available movies online but they would adapt to it.
“It is trends that have changed but the movie industry is still alive. You know when the VCD came we faced similar challenges and the industry went down a little bit before we got used to it. Now, we are in the era of pen drive and the industry is yet to come to terms with that.” Akrobeto opined in a recent interview.

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“With time, we will adapt to it and the movie industry will bounce back like it has always done”. he added.

This post was published on February 20, 2018 3:38 PM

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