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VIDEO: Mob Action Occurs At Ebony's One Week Memorial As Crowd Descends On Suspected Pickpocket

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After Major Maxwell Mahama was beaten to death by a mob in Ghana last year, everyone put on their sad face and complained about mob injustice in Ghana, pretending that was their problem and not the fact that Mahama was a soldier and thus in their minds more important than other lynching victims.
Afterall, many people have been beaten by mobs in Ghana and we support it if it’s someone we don’t like, for example a gay person.
What is needed is an attitude change and that has not yet arrived, illustrated by a video taken at Ebony’s one week memorial which is currently floating on social media.
The video, which we’ve sighted on the wall of A Plus, shows a group of people surrounding a guy who they’ve ‘arrested’ for pickpocketing.

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As usual, the crowd takes justice into their own hands and one guy slaps the suspected thief over and over again.
Watch video below and check out A Plus’ commentary on it. Spot on.

This post was published on February 19, 2018 1:56 PM