Berla Mundi and Yvonne Nelson
Whenever something manages to hit trending status on social media you can be sure the trolls would be out to have their fun with it.
It doesn’t matter who is involved or how beloved they are, just for capturing the public’s imagination for a few hours they would enjoy their own version of roasting.
The person up for that roasting now is Berla Mundi, who along with Yvonne Nelson were the trending topics on twitter late Friday.
It all started from the Late Afternoon show hosted by Berla Mundi, where she and her guests had the guts to talk about public figure Yvonne Nelson.
Ms Nelson was very unhappy about that and thus took to twitter to slam Berla Mundi as a hypocrite for being a fellow husband snatcher yet condemning her for doing the same.
That juicy piece of info from Yvonne Nelson got people making fun of Berla Mundi with some hilarious tweets directed at her.
“Berla Mundi was about to enter into 2018 with another woman’s husband but our God who works in mysterious ways has let Yvonne Nelson opened the key. This describes the saying 99 days for the thief 1 day for the owner.” one twitter user hilariously pointed out.
“Now that Yvonne Nelson has placed Berla Mundi’s virginity on a litmus paper….. let’s wait for the results.” another added.
It continued like that with trolling after trolling laid on Ms Mundi.
Read some of the funniest below..
This post was published on December 30, 2017 1:48 PM
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