Any reasonable person who reads through the Miss Ghana Contract would not only spot its exploitative nature–but would conclude that, it’s a big joke and wonder why anyone would sign it.
A few days ago, GhanaCelebrities.Com published the full 2015 Miss Ghana Contract which shockingly showed everything that’s wrong with the beauty pageant.
Now, we’ve obtained the 2017 Contract too–and it’s even worse, though almost identical.
We are told the Queen is obliged to go around soliciting for funds, a target of 10,000 GHS a month for the organisers–a total of 120,000 during her one year reign.
And per the contract, it’s only after the Queen has met the above target and behaved in a manner which is totally satisfactory to the organisers, that they would transfer the prized or official car to her at the end of her reign.

That’s not all, the Contract also prohibits the Miss Ghana Queen from working with any of the sponsors or clients of Miss Ghana organisers–even 5 years after the end of her reign.
Beyond these are other series of absurd terms including a fine of 100 GHS any time the Queen is late for any Miss Ghana meeting.
Though the contract states on page 12 that Miss Ghana would provide the 2017 Queen an official car for her one year reign, GhanaCelebrities.Com reported a few days ago that the 2017 Queen-Margaret Dery is almost frusatrated as this has not been provided and she relies on uber and taxis.
In response to this publication, Exclusive Events Ghana, organisers of Miss Ghana Beauty Pagaent’s PR-Arnold Asamoah Baidoo lied on Peace Fm Entertainment review over the weekend that the 2017 Miss Ghana Queen was not promised any car, hence she cannot be after 3 months still be waiting for any car.
Considering the terms of the Miss Ghana Contract as sighted (below) and also the fact that Giuseppina Baafi, Miss Ghana 2013, was stripped of her title because she failed to sign a contract without her lawyer first looking at it, one can say, the scheme’s organizers intentionally set off to manipulate the winners on the back of unfair contract terms.
Check out the contract below…