A few days ago, popular Ghanaian Rev and Counselor, George Lutterodt broke down the Ghanaian traditional system for the understanding of dummies–explaining that, when a woman gives birth out of wedlock, she is deemed to have gotten pregnant the “kwasia way” and the child is termed as “kwasiba” or bastard.
On the back of this tradition, the man who got her pregnant is demanded to pay a compensatory amount to the family of the woman, called “kwasia bua sika”
Now, Yvonne Nelson has confirmed in an interview with WOW magazine that she actually got pregnant out of wedlock and she wants marriage to happen for her.
She told the magazine: “at a certain age, you want to have kids and you meet a responsible guy who hasn’t yet proposed but wants the same thing–it depends on you and him.”
On marriage, she said: “Marriage is scary but of course I would like to have child to have a Dad around. We would love to have the ideal family setting. As I said, I can’t marry myself, someone would have to marry me of course. So yeah when it happens, I will be glad. I don’t want to put pressure on anyone.”