When satire mimics reality. Pastors selling ridiculous items to their congregations which they claim has some magical properties is nothing new.
It can be olive oil, it can be solution water, or it can be jars of shito.
This photo floating online suggests that a pastor of a certain church is selling his own brand of shitos which can help you get different number of blessings from God.
There’s the ‘travelling mercies shito’, which goes for a cool Ghc 100. ‘Financial breakthrough shito’ goes for just Ghc 250. You’re getting a financial breakthrough so it’s not so expensive right? Kind of like Mensa Otabil’s ‘millionaire status’.
There are other levels of shito, ending with ‘Free SHS Shito’, going for just Ghc 400. We’re not quite sure what that one does.
Looking into the origins of the picture, we discovered it originated from a comedian and not necessarily from a ‘real’ church. Prophet ‘Oh Joo’ is the only ‘fake’ prophet in Ghana.
However, as we said, this is a case of satire mimicking reality. We have pastors who do worse than this all the time.