Divorced actor Chris Attoh has added his voice to the Afia Schwarzenegger saga, calling on Ghanaians to leave the comedienne alone to deal with her private marital issues.
Afia’s entire life, literally, has become the talk of town the past few weeks after she was caught banging another man, filmed and the video leaked online.
Afia personally has shown no sign that people talking about her marriage bothers her one bit, but Chris Attoh says her issue should be left to die down.
“…Let us all go off the actress issue a bit, she is human”, Chris Attoh said on TV3.
“The important thing is, when it comes to marriage and relationships people need to also realize that this is a space to respect and whatever Afia was going through this is her personal matter.
“I think people should leave her alone. Marriage is a serious business, one way or the other, whatever people see and enjoy in the video, I think they should learn from it that adultery is not something that should be encouraged. I wish Afia all my love.” Attoh added.
Chris Attoh ended by encouraging Ghanaians to look out for more positive things to get excited about instead of constant negativity against other people.