Two Ghanaian exotic dancers, sometimes called strippers- Ginger and Boomy Coco, say they have been exploited by the owner of the newly opened City Bar & Grill, located at North Kaneshie’s Sunlight Junction in Accra—as this “madam” has refused to pay them contrary to an agreement they had.
The strippers, who claim to have been exploited—sadly by another woman, say they agreed with the owner of City Bar & Grill to entertainment customers and help pull in male patrons with their exotic dancing services in exchange for 300 GHS each, per night.
Despite having rendered a super professional service for two nights, the strippers have told GhanaCelebrities.Com their total due amount of 1200 GHS has not been paid. And when they complained, the owner threatened to make their lives hell—saying she would let her BNI boyfriend deal with them if they insist on claiming their monies.
Without robust protection for even ordinary Ghanaian workers against exploitation, adult workers such as Ginger and Boomy Coco who continue to assume unimaginable risk each night in their line of work have no appropriate means of redress.
Speaking to GhanaCelebrities.Com, Ginger said they “used to just do bachelor parties as they found that they were less exploited in that sector but decided to take this gig as they needed more work.”
The owner of City Bar & Grill has refused to return our calls and messages.