15 Moroccan Teenagers Contract Rabies After Gang-Raping A Donkey

In what the f*** news of the day, a horde of Moroccan teenagers are battling rabies after they contracted it from f*cking a donkey, of all things.
The fifteen of them are said to have gang raped a local donkey who they ‘admired’, leading to them contracting the disease.
Moroccan newspaper Al Ahkbar reported the news, revealing the teenagers were treated at a local hospital for the condition.
Authorities are fearful more teenagers engaged in the act but have not come forward, possibly meaning the disease could spread further.
Some families are also said to be vaccinating their kids “in case they had been close to the animal.”
The owner of the donkey has also been instructed to kill the animal to stop the disease from spreading.

This post was published on August 17, 2017 2:28 PM

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