Veteran Ghanaian actor Osofo Dadzie has called for foreign soaps which have been translated into ‘broken twi’ such as ‘Kumkum Bhagya’ to be banned from our screens.
According to the actor, those soaps should be banned for the money invested in them to be poured into local shows – which would help reinvigorate our local industry.
The 78 year old spoke to the Daily Heritage newspaper and lamented the drop in standards in the movie industry from the days of his ‘Osofo Dadzie’ drama troupe to today.
“In our days, you dare not use offensive or insulting language because you will be cautioned immediately and if it repeats itself more than three times, you will be given a suspension,” he said.
“What I see today is there is no humour in drama compared to the past and is like ‘Talking Point’ series on GTV where everything is strictly based on talking,”
Speaking on the corrupting influence of foreign soaps, Osofo Dadzie said they should be banned, and more money invested in the local industry, which would even be cheaper in the long run.
“Employing local artistes to act local drama series for the television station is cheaper and more economical than foreign ones,” he said.
He added that aside the cost, it will also preserve our culture and lead to more employment.