The God of Beliebers whom millions of girls are dying for has been embarrassed online after he made a DM approach on Instagram to inquire about a girl.
The Girl, Jessica Gober, works for a gym and was featured on the Gym’s Instagram page in a Boomerang post and Justin ‘DMed’ the gym asking who the girl is – the rest is an embarrassment.
Jessica took screenshots of the “what do you mean” crooner’s DM and dropped it on twitter telling the world, Justin just tried to hook up with her and she laughed it off saying “WTF”
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Not long after that post, the random pretty girl who is a fitness personality with a supposedly banging body posted pictures of herself with her boyfriend on twitter signalling why she can’t ever be interested in Bieber. “I’ve got everything I need right here ?” she wrote.
However, Beliebers aren’t happy she would embarrass their Lord as such and went ham on her causing a riot on social media.
Read Tweets From The Whole Episode Below:
Did this actually just happen… lmao
Justin Bieber just messaged the gym that I work at and asked who I was hahahaha WTF— Jessi (@jessicagober) August 9, 2017
Justin just asked who you were, it's not like he asked you to marry him.
— 🍸 (@maIonestan) August 10, 2017
Oh thank you so much for clarifying!!! I thought that was his proposal
— Jessi (@jessicagober) August 10, 2017