Counsellor George Lutterodt says a man who cheats on his wife but uses a condom is a faithful man, albeit a stupid one as well.
The always controversial Lutterodt appeared on GhOne’s Tales from the Powder Room and as usual, he got right down to making the most outrageous comments he could think of.
Lutterodt said a man who cheats on his wife using a condom is faithful but stupid, because at least they are thinking of not bringing any outside babies to the house.
“Any man who cheats with condom is very faithful but stupid because using condom isn’t easy as you need to erect and maintain erection to fix it. If a man decides that he’s going through a wrong place then among all men you’re very stupid but if you can do it and don’t bring any burden home that is the level of faithfulness,” he said.
Lutterodt also advised ladies that cheating is an inevitable part of marriage and therefore they should not blame themselves when it occurs.
“Anytime you made up your mind to get married remember there are two things you can’t avoid in marriage; cheating and divorce…” he said.
“Yes cheating is part of marriage, which means when you find your partner doing it never blame yourself for the fault. I’ve cases where married women have given anal s*x foolishly because they think that will keep the husband home which is wrong because there is nothing that a married woman can do to keep her husband home… Men are not home made but out made so for you to bring a man home there are lots of things to do,”