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Kenyan Socialite Vera Sidika Puts Her Nigerian Ex-Boyfriend On Blast After He Leaked N*de Photos Of Her

Celebrity relationships and so-so drama!

The Kenyan socialite Vera Sidika and her ex-boyfriend have been engaged in a very public war ever since they broke up earlier this year.

N*de photos of the Kenyan were recently leaked, something she has strongly condemned.

In a series of lengthy IG posts responding to her ex, Sidika explains everything about their relationship, from it’s Genesis to it’s current position. She talks about how the warning signs were all there from the beginning of the relationship but she ignored them because she was in love.

Read below..

“I don’t know anyone who can tolerate B.S like I did, get publicly ridiculed over a lie & still ignore it all!
I have tried so hard to be calm.

I had promised myself a peaceful & calm break up I remember telling my ex I don’t want drama just want us to go separate ways peacefully without social media bUllshit. But nope! his aim was this! To drag my name & image. I remember him saying he will make my life miserable.

I remember him saying he will do drama. I remember him saying he’s gonna use people, my enemies etc for drama to bring me down coz doing it himself would make him look bad. I never wanted to believe all this until I got numerous screenshots a week back that he’s being going about blogs claiming he dumped me. Which is a lie. I ended the relationship.

But that doesn’t matter, that’s why I ignored when people sent me the story. But dude! I shared images with u in confidence & u do this? ??? really! Honestly, wether u leaked my nude pics to blogs or sent to your friends who passed it around & it ended up on blogs. It’s just WRONG!! Nobody should do such to someone they claim they once loved. No one! I was minding my business. I was calm. But u just pressed the wrong button!

All I wanted was to ignore & let it fade away but I think the world deserves to know the TRUTH!

I officially ended my relationship on May 11th as you can see & it’s been nothing but hell for me. Deep in my mind I slowly wanted out. when I left dubai in January I got back to kenya the first thing I did was delete pics from IG coz I felt I have sacrificed enough & cant continue doing so for someone that doesn’t appreciate it.

No relationship is easy. May-This was the time I wanted no more & after my break up when asked on a tv interview if I’m in a relationship all I did was say I’m single! That’s when drama started. My ex started sending me texts claiming I publicly embarrassed him for saying I’m single! In an interview done 2 weeks after. I still don’t know his motives but whatever it is. This was part of his plan.

He goes around saying shit about me. Creating lies after we broke up. And when I said ok tv I’m single he attacks me for saying that. Saying I disgraced him for claiming single. Saying he will do drama on me, get someone to use & do drama. I’m just sick and tired of this B.S ?

I remember the first time I shared pics on social media out of excitement both of us had. The response was all negative. Kenyans who lived in dubai said so much about you and I assumed they were hating.

I heard so much but chose to ignore it all. Even with ignoring it I was still careful. Careful with my heart. Careful not to fall victim. Careful not to put myself in trouble. Just wanna tell y’all that warned me from day one. Thank you.

I’m not perfect. Sometimes in life. Love controls us. We do things out of love. We choose to overlook so many things coz of love. We settle for less than we are used to coz of love. I made so much sacrifice in this. People that know me know I lived recklessly coz I never wanted marriage and didn’t care about how I lived. But once again.

I got into a fucked up situation ?

This is the problem. When u deal with someone that lies for a living. creating fake documents, fake cheques, lie to old women, photoshop paperwork and texts. This is what happens.

All he does is lie. He sent me DM just now claiming he doesn’t have my nude. Like wtf. Why u gotta lie ? my entire relationship was based on lies left right and center and u got angry coz I said I’m single on a tv interview.

Wtf was I to say ? and y’all saying stop bringing matters on IG. Na. When i was dating him I brought it to IG. Now that he chose to do this I brought it back to where it started IG. So cut it!

Let me be honest.

When I met this man from day 1 all he wanted to do was get me pregnant. I remember after we screened all he did was fuck to get me pregnant no love making.

He would always say “wanna use Kanye style on u. Get u pregnant quick so we build relationship later” I never understood at first I was so excited coz i love kids so much. But sometimes when things don’t happen it’s coz God is always preventing us from The Worst!

Thank God I never got pregnant ?? this was last year sept-Oct. when I went back home something told me to get an implant get to know this guy before making a big step. Did that hours before going airport for my next visit in December. Now What I experienced from end December to January ?? all i thanked God for was safety & being alive.

I have never been so close to God like I was during this time.

Fast forward…I got back home & deleted pics from my IG. I remember him asking why I did so. I acted just want low key relationship. But deep down I wasn’t ok with what had happened. So I carried on like it’s cool.wit time he suspected I might be pregnant & instead of denying I carried on just to see what his intentions were & the kind of person he would be if I was actually pregnant. Nothing changed. We had a fight in April. Broke up and I moved on with life.

On this break up he insisted I abort the baby I said ok. Knowing so well I wasn’t pregnant. But with agreeing. He still wouldn’t let me be. Claimed I wanna abort coz I’m not patient wit him etc

ION; he gave me his LV bag coz he said he bought it 5 years ago but he doesn’t travel I should keep it. Then after break up came back saying I return the bag he gave me as a gift if not I sell it & use money to abort. He also refused to return my clothes till date.

My clothes r in dubai & my only worry is what does he need them for since he says they’re cheap? And not clothes he bought coz he never bought me any clothes. So don’t think he’s refused coz he bought them. No.

I could care less about what y’all think…but God knows I was patient.

The first time he hit me I left dubai and never set foot since January even after he kept asking me to go. I was scared. Reason I was calm on my messages was coz I was scared of what he’s capable of doing. I have never in my life been in an abusive relationship.

This was my first ? & u can see my pink bag was packed plus the make up bag I wanted to leave. But he would never let me leave. It was always a struggle ?I finally understood how it felt.

How these women feel going through this. I swear to my God ?? I was never in this relationship for money. He can testify so can his friends.

The clothes he refused to give me back were my own clothes I bought he has NEVER bought me clothes to feel has right to keep them. I honestly thought I shud give love a 2nd chance & rub of idea of “I don’t wanna get married” that I once had.

On a fight he cut my bag handle promised to replace it & never did. Instead said he’ll throw it in the trash or give his cleaner. This was the reason I never went back to dubai. I tried to leave for kenya ASAP but couldn’t.

He would never let me go anywhere Alone & I just had to play nice so I can finally get home safe ?. My relationship was lied to from start to finish.

He confessed he was in Jail just came out in March 2016 & changed. Doesn’t do fraud anymore etc I tried to believe him coz people do change. He said he had a spa & real estate in dubai. Whenever I was around never saw him do any funny thing so I believed him. Until i found out later it was a lie ? I discovered so much ?.

When The entire world dreams of setting foot at burj khalifa, he lives there.

It’s not easy. If u think it is; Try pay 35,000 dollars yearly anywhere lets see how u cop. But again what got me pissed is as much as u live in BK.

Don’t look down on people. Abusing me & Calling my house a box house and all that wasn’t necessary at all. That if he sell his designer clothes he will buy my box house ?? I may not own a proper huge mansion but at the end of the day it’s still mine.

My sweat. No one has the right to put others down just coz they feel better than them. At all ? on top of it get violent. Alcohol problem etc. too much!”

This post was published on June 21, 2017 9:45 PM

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