Your activities on social media will now be taken into consideration when the decision as to whether to grant you a US visa or not is being made.
This new requirement for social media disclosures comes as part of revised visa applications–and under this requirement, applicants will be asked for social media handles dating back over the last five years and biographical information dating back 15 years.
Via TechCrunch;
Reported by Reuters earlier today, the decision from the U.S. government’s Office of Management and Budget was made over strenuous objections from education and academic groups during a public comment period.
The new questionnaire will ask for social media handles dating back over the last five years and biographical information dating back 15 years.
For critics, the new questionnaire represents yet another obstacle that the government is putting in the path of potential immigrants, would-be students and qualified researchers and teachers that may otherwise want to come to the United States.
Check out the new visa questionnaire here.
Now, better care about what you write or share on social media…