
Former HIV/AIDS Ambassador Joyce Dzidzor Mensah’s Weird & Shocking TRIBUTE to Her Dead Husband Confirms She Needs Mental Evaluation—A Look At How Far She Has Come With Her Drama

2016 – Dzidzor Mensah claims her assertion that she was never HIV Positive is false. In the same year, she announced she was now HIV negative.

Joyce Dzidzor Nartey

After contracting HIV/AIDS, living with it for years, becoming an Ambassador due to her positive status, and then denying she was ever positive – Dzidzor Mensah finally came out to say she was indeed positive, but her 2014 statements were a lie she told to protect her son from discrimination.

Source: Dzidzor Mensah explained her reasoning in her letter to President John Dramani Mahama.

“In order to get a new life for my children, I took the wrong decision to publicly deny my HIV status. I am not a criminal, neither am I fraudulent AIDS ambassador.

“The CID can attest to that. To prove to that, I thereby give the go ahead to the CID to publish my health status which was recorded in Korle bu maternity block in the year 2007, 3rd September. The principal nursing officer at the Korle bu maternity block called Joyce Dodoo conducted my first HIV test on 3rd September 2007.

“Yes indeed my current HIV viral load test for some years now shows undetectable meaning I have no virus in my blood anymore, which some may call wonders of scientific retro-viral drugs, but I see it as a miracle.

“His Excellency, President John Dramani Mahama is the chairman of the AIDS Commission and he launched the campaign I embarked on when he was the vice president of Ghana.

“I therefore humbly request of him to pay me my compensation and my shelter which was agreed upon since Madam Angela has taken it away from me.

“I do not need a lawyer since am powerless to fight the state, but I therefore will leave the entire nation only to the judgment of the Almighty God if am still denied of my right.

In a Facebook post in September 2016, Dzidzor announced all traces of the virus was gone from her blood. She wrote:

“God I bless your name. I have good news to share with my loved onse. After nine years, I’m totally healed by the blood of Jesus. All confirmation shows there’s no trace of Hiv virus in my blood.

“I have waited for this day with Faith and am smiling and rejoicing with my family for such a wonderful news. But am only sad that the man of God that was used to performe this miracle doesn’t want to take the glory. Hallelujah !!!!!”


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