The Complete Guide To Becoming The Perfect Sidechick – In 14 Easy Steps


Being a side chick is very repugnant to some people, not only because they prefer to keep their ‘man’ to themselves but also because being a side chick implies you are wrecking someone else’s relationship.

But one woman’s poison is another woman’s meat, and for some ladies, being a side chick is exactly the perfect gig for them.

It’s a way you can get all the perks of a relationship without exactly being in one. You get all the great s*x, the thrill of a forbidden love, loads of adventure and none of the responsibility.

The pros and cons of being a side chick could fill an entire book (there are probably books about that), so we aren’t going to rehash all that here. But for those interested in being one, there are similarly some actions you can take to ensure you are the perfect side chick to someone’s spouse.

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In a three part ‘how to guide’ – WikiHow lays out exactly how to be the perfect side chick in 14 steps and we reproduce that crucial knowledge here for your consumption.

Flip to the next page for Part I – Learning what to expect…

This post was published on April 8, 2017 2:22 PM

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