MUSIGA President Bice Osei Kufffour, who goes by the trade name Obour, has revealed that people branding him as corrupt does not bother him for one bit because he knows he’s not.
Speaking on Kasapa Fm, Obour said even former Presidents of Ghana have been branded as corrupt, so those sorts of allegations simply comes with the territory.
“The aspect I’m not bothered at all is where people claimed I’ve spent money meant for MUSIGA because I usually hear that accusation but it’s not only about me, even President Kuffour’s time, he was chastised very well that he had spent money on a hotel and Late Prof. Atta Mills also suffered same wrong allegations. So when you’re leading in the capacity as a president, it’s normal to have such negative claims against you .” he said.
When asked if he was corrupt, Obour replied in the negative.
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“No I’m not corrupt at all but when we say corruption, it is a huge word that in our daily lives we make choices so if one isn’t circumspect in his approach, people might conclude your choices to being bias especially when you give more time to secular artistes than gospel singers, people tag you as being corrupt but I do ask how can that be corruption.”
Obour said a relative of his who was a prophetess once told him that even Jesus Christ was criticised by those in his time, so he (Obour) shouldn’t worry about such criticisms.