Tonto Dikeh’s artificially created perfect marriage on social media which suffered one of the most ugliest breakdowns both online and offline has taken some media space for now with several views from people whether she was her own devil or not.
Citi Fm’s Jessica Opare Saforo took her good time to write a supportive letter to Tonto Dikeh which GhanaCelebrities.com scrutinized its content as very contradictory to Tonto’s personality and truly Jessica comes to a possible agreement and offers explanation to her letter.
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Speaking on Celebrity FanZone with Akosua Hanson and Chante Asante on the Tv Show which now airs on Gh One Tv, the voice over artiste said she didn’t know Tonto Dikeh very well before writing the letter and she agreed to the opinion of Chante Asante that the divorced Nigerian actress is saying too much.
“We share too much … the need to show every aspect of our life on social media is blinding us from what actually matters … like why do we have to put even all out there? For me I always say you only see the aspect of my life I want you to see and that’s why I’m not out there posting a million photos a day but for other people it like they need the attention” Jessica said.
Hitting the nail on the head about Tonto Dikeh’s social media marriage brouhaha, Jessica continued that “I’m sure that if she (Tonto Dikeh) handled this differently things wouldn’t go down the way they are down … THAT BEING SAID I DONT KNOW TONTO DIKEH, INFACT I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW TONTO DIKEH, I KNEW HER NAME, I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT SHE LOOKED LIKE. It was through this name that someone showed me her image on social media … But for me, what made me reach out to her is just the fact that she’s bold enough to talk about her issue, the fact that she had been abused.”
MzVee who was a celebrity guest on the show also expressed her happiness for Tonto Dikeh coming out to speak about her domestic violence and added that for the actress to say this much and go far then it means people were fueling her.