Anita ‘Mawu’ Dolla, a young female Ghanaian entrepreneur behind the event decor company-MD GLAM DECOR, providing elegant decor solutions for weddings, parties, birthdays and corporate events was on Starr Fm’s Business News a few days ago–to speak about starting a business in Ghana, the entrepreneurship challenges and how she has managed these associated obstacles.
Interviewed by Kennedy Mornah, Dolla took listeners on a journey to how it all started for her–saying, what most young entrepreneurs like her struggle with in Ghana is building a client base, irrespective of how excellent their products or services may be.
MD GLAM DECOR, based in Accra, specialises in providing both simple and elaborate decor for different sizes of events–and liaisoning with clients to provide bespoke decor that meets individual client’s need and mirrors each event is their hallmark.
You can reach MD GLAM DECOR on +233 24 386 2202 or [email protected]
Listen to the interview below…