Federal Appeals Court Keeps Order Blocking Trump Ban In Place In Unanimous 3-0 Decision

Donald Trump

A US federal court of appeals has upheld the decision of a district court judge to put a temporary restraining order on the Trump Executive Order banning immigration from 7 Muslim majority countries.

In a unanimous 3-0 decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Trump administration, delivering a hefty blow to the President’s efforts to have his order put back in place.

In a case brought by the US states of Washington and Minnesota, they argued that the ban had caused irreparable harm to citizens within their states, including lawful permanent residents who were initially blocked from returning to the US under the ban. They therefore called for a stay on implementation of the ban.

READ MORE: US Judge Places Temporary Stay On Trump Travel Ban

US District Court judge James Robart granted the stay, which the Justice Department appealed, but justices Michelle T. Friedland, Richard C. Clifton and William C. Camby have upheld the decision of the lower court.

“SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!” Trump tweeted immediately after the decision.

“We have seen him in court twice, and we’re two for two.” Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson said when asked about the President’s tweet.

The administration would now, most likely, appeal the decision at the Supreme Court.


This post was published on February 10, 2017 7:30 AM