Once again in South Africa, another preacher is making news for all the wrong reasons.
Light Monyeki, head pastor of the Grace Living Hope Ministries in Pretoria, decided to give his congregation rat poison to drink to demonstrate to them that ‘death has no power over us’.
In a post on the church’s facebook wall, the preacher said he mixed water with Rattex, a brand of rat poison in the country, and took a sip after which congregants came forward and took their own sips.
READ MORE: South African Preacher Tells Congregants To Drink Dettol For Healing
Here’s the account of the bizarre incident as related on the church’s Facebook page…
The man of God, Prophet Light Monyeki demonstrates power of faith by causing congregants to drink Rattax; deadly poison to show forth their faith. As he was doing that he said “we do not need to proclaim faith because we are believers. If nyope boys can smoke Rattax for more than 8years, who are we? Death has no power over us”. Then he declared life from above upon the water mixed with Rattax; and spoke nourishment unto bodies and healing unto the sick. A multitude of congregants voluntarily ran to the front to have a drink of the deadly poison. After declaring nourishment and healing, Prophet Light was the first one to drink.
According to Zimbabwean website The Herald – “Nyaope is a highly addictive drug made from a range of ingredients from low-grade heroin‚ dagga‚ rat poison and detergents containing chlorine and ammonia.”
South African pastors have developed quite the reputation for coaxing their followers to do the craziest things imaginable, although, interestingly, Pastor Light here actually has theological backing. Mark 16:18 does read after all:
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
Check out photos of the incident below…