A young man in Texas recently found a most unwelcome gift in his house’s toilet, one he was actually quite lucky to see before sitting on.
The surprise was a rattlesnake, and not just any good old rattlesnake but a western diamondback rattlesnake, reportedly one of the most dangerous in the world.
Isaac McFadden thus called his mom, the Business Insider reports, who killed the snake with a shovel.
But the story does not end there, in fact, it’s just beginning.
“…The family also called Big Country Snake Removal, just to make sure the issue was taken care of. It wasn’t,” the report continues.
“As Nathan Hawkins, the owner of the snake-removal business, found out shortly after he arrived, 23 more of the rattlesnakes were nearby. Thirteen were hiding out in a cellar, and 10 were under the house, including five babies.
“On the Big Country Snake Removal Facebook page, the team explained how so many of the creatures could be there and escape notice: “It’s actually quite simple; rattlesnakes are secretive and can be very cryptic — They rely heavily on their camouflage. This is simply how they survive. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there…”
The Snake removal officers were able to safely retrieve the snakes from the house.
This post was published on February 4, 2017 11:24 AM
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