A GhanaCelebrities.Com reader claiming to be in the known says actress-Nana Akua Addo’s husband has gotten another woman in London called Jeniffer pregnant–and that a big drama is about to start.
“Previously Nana Akua Addo’s friend have targeted Jennifer and have even insulted her on Instagram. I am sure that Nana Akua Addo was aware of this relationship but I am not sure of she is aware that Jennifer is pregnant for her husband,” the reader mentioned in her E-mail.
Apparently, this Jennifer already has two kids–and she lives them with their father to travel regularly to Ghana so to be with Nana Akua Addo’s husband.
To establish the veracity or otherwise of this gossip, we found Jeniffer on Instagram and shot her a message, but she has not responded.
If this is true, then Nana Akua Addo has left her doors wide opened while taking a full-time fighter and gossip job–with Bibi Bright being her number enemy.