The founder and Presiding Bishop of the Lighthouse Chapel International, Dag Heward-Mills who recently got into a lot of trouble with South Africans for his comments on homosexuals, has bitten more than he could possibly chew. The Church that invited him to preach has distanced itself from the sermon he preached on his visit after it incensed a lot of people.
Bishop Heward-Mills in his sermon at the Soweto-based Grace Bible Church as a guest pastor to their 9am service described homosexuality as “unnatural” and “unbiblical”.
“…You don’t find two male dogs, two male cats, or two male lions…even lizards, two male elephants, there is nothing like that in nature, it is unnatural, yes, there is nothing like that.”
His sermon angered a popular South African choreographer and radio personality Somizi Mhlongo who is also a known homosexual. He stormed out of the service and later posted a video on Instagram saying he wasn’t going to sit there and be offended.
In a sharp contradiction, the Grace Bible Church have emphatically made it known that they do not share the views of Bishop Heward-Mills on his homosexual stance.
In an interview with a South African media organisation, the spokesperson of the Grace Bible Church, Rev. Ezekiel Mathole, indicated that the Church is open to all manner of people with different views and opinions and different ways of life and will never discriminate against people with a variant way of life.
“The only thing we want to say as a Church is that we don’t discriminate against gay people and we will never do and have never done that. What was prevalent yesterday was that there was a contrary view that is out there. If you look in the Church it’s an open secret there are people who are pro-gay and there are people who are anti-gay”.
“We as a Church have stated that we welcome all homosexuals into the church and we don’t discriminate against people.”
The Church was also quick to add that this may not be the end of the relationship between the Grace Bible Church and Bishop Heward-Mills, despite the controversy he has generated as he will be called upon when the need be.
The remarks have outraged lots of people and have begun a homosexual rights debate in South Africa.