Afia Schwarzenegger

This list would not be complete without the queen of tackiness, crass, loud mouthed and shameless self appointed girlfriend of the now ex president John Mahama.
The self pronounced queen of Ghanaian comedy and radio personality Afia Schwarzenegger. Her support of the NDC even led to a social media “beef” with another bush fellow Diamond Appiah.
We’re wondering what she would do now that Nana Addo is president.
Today this same guy who wrote that he can never see Nana taking over is itching to go to the inauguration and even lying about being at the inauguration on twitter. What a loser!
As for the V8 and properties we ALL know john doesn’t have $100,000 gh to his name so we know where it came from. Looters, scammers, thieves, Opportunists. He shd freely submit himself for auditing when investigations start if he is innocent (which we all know his not). We will collect all those cars for teachers, doctors, farmers, nurses…people who are actually working .
But Afia has made a sharp u-turn. Now protecting and praising Nana Addo. This shd be a lesson for her new husband of he is wise.
A woman who said she was all for JM. In less than 24 hrs after inauguration she’s in “bed” with Nana Addo. Smh…
As for Tracy she apologised publicly for her utterances and actiond so no yawa! If only dumelo would have the sense to do the same
As for Mzbel I have absolutely no sympathy for or her crocodile tears. She is as bad as Afia, only slightly polished when it comes to utterances. How can u say u will move to togo of Nana wins? Are you high. Dont you know politics is a gamble. Look at what happened in America yet you f00ls did not learn from that shocker! I think dumelo shd marry Mzbel and JM will be the chairman of that wedding.
Am so amused about some of the u-turns. Dumelo claiming/lying to be at the inauguration to celebrate with Nana and Afia now talking sweet about Nana.
NDC ppl are very opportunistic and diabolical. Even JM wants to take a house after taking several properties already. I can’t wait for the revelations to start coming out about each and everyone of these guys.
We want our V8 and properties. Thank you Nana Addo in advance for retrieval. Pls audit them, jail them. The whole squad. Bus branding, woyome, RLG, Dumelo etc etc. Audit them, jail them. Take all the measures permitted by our laws. Thank you for saving us Nana, ndc was raping us financially and enjoying with friends and family.
Dumelo paa at the square without one selfie to boast and brag off? That’s how i know for a fact he wasn’t there. Especially when he run from the girl’s by blocking them from further confrontation and exposure. If u be man, face them eh. You said u are there,they said proof it. Immediately he had to run. Only to be busted at kokrobite with ashawo chips.
One person at 2 places at the same time. Your agbala is strong lol. Siaaaa…..#NanaIsNotJoking
Oh yea I saw the girls he came with, very disappointing and nothing to write home about. Like hood rats. For a known womanizer I thought he had better taste. Anywat at this crucial time no correct/hot girl will be hanging with a stinking corpse. Dumelo will now only get scrapes or die hard groupies . What else (sarkodie voice) lol