Whilst others have painstakingly decided to live beyond the delusion that the ruling National Democratic Congress won the December 7, 2016 general polls, Deputy National Organiser of the NDC has vehemently decided to ride on denial.
Speaking he said:
“A team is working on the collation sheets and when we are done, we will make the findings public so Ghanaians will know what went wrong…But we would also want Ghana to move forward.
We will not organise a demonstration at Obra Spot to hold this country at ransom. We will give Nana Addo the opportunity to blame us or have excuses if he’s unable to fulfil his promises.
We will rather help him to achieve whatever he is going to achieve for Ghanaians to benefit. So for us as a party, we will come out and make our findings clear to Ghanaians, state our position on the matter and what we want is that, we want Ghana to move forward.”
We all know you guys were in a comfortable lead lmao. That’s the message your president sent out when nana Addo was far leading. Comfortable lead because the rigging couldn’t come on as planned. Y’all thought Npp was slow but this time around they used their smart head to block things and next four years will be extra. I just feel sad for all the hungry politicians going to jail. This time inmates would be a lot indeed. Fingers crossed nana will resumed the same night after inauguration to ensure proper sentence.