Bibi Bright has shredded John Dumelo on Instagram after the actor’s crybaby post this morning complaining about the ‘persecution’ he has received for his support of the NDC.
Writing on social media, John claimed he had been insulted, villified, threatened with death and many other things for his support of the NDC, for merely dreaming big – but he would remain steadfast and vote for JDM Toaso tomorrow.
But in a blistering response, Bibi Bright calls the actor out for his ‘victim’ mentality when he has been enjoying from his support of the NDC.
Bibi’s sharp response said the actor was enjoying whilst the typical Ghanaian was suffering, and now he is trying to pretend he suffered with everyone else. Not true, according to Bibi, when he has acquired a vehicle, lands, houses and many other things when NDC footsoldiers from 2008 are still roaming about with nothing.
Read Bibi Bright’s long, epic response to crybaby John Dumelo below…
Well when nana comes to power you would vomit every penny spent on this endorsement. Why do I have a feeling this guy would soon go to jail? Npp and change is coming so watch out after tomorrow.
Oh if NPP comes to power dieh dumelo will definitely be jailed. That one I can assure. The AG and police will not be doing their jobs if they let him go free for the numerous benefits from taxpayers money.
Court definitely awaits him.
That he is campaigning hard for NDC including this last childish cry baby campaign post on a day that even the president declared should be campaign free and we all know this.
It is pure guilt and fear. NPP wins,dumelo straight to court. First scapegoat followed by many others. He better pray hard. Jail is tough for pretty boys lol
Don’t mind that victims pampers post. He knows jail is coming as well as Nana lol
Dumelo change is coming.
Court is coming.
Jail is coming.
Your V8 is going.
Bibi you do am like small boy. For once thank you.His is such an opportunist was thought he could use that post for sympathy votes. He is going to jail soon as NPP win. I will petition Nana Addo myself if necessary