A new spray drug launched in the UK is set to make many women extremely happy as it is being hailed as a ‘miracle’ spray which can help men overcome the scourge of premature ejaculation.
The drug, Fortacin, is being described as the one sure way to combat the condition that makes sex into a chore for a huge number of couples all across the world.
“A combination of two anaesthetic medicines -lidocaine and prolocaine – Fortacin works by decreasing the sensitivity of the head of the penis to increase time before ejaculation” the Mirror reports.
The drug has been licensed for use in the UK and is now available in drug stores upon prescription.
Data collected on the drug shows that it delays ejaculation time for men if sprayed on the penis just before intercourse, and is able to help them delay ejaculation without reducing pleasure.
In the initial stages of application, the drug helps users to delay ejaculation for over a minute.
“Ejaculation time continues to increase as drug treatment is continued for several months and men can soon hold ejaculating for many minutes after starting intercourse.” the Mirror adds.
Premature ejaculation is the most common form of sexual dysfunction in men, research shows.
So for men in the UK, no more one minute men.