Mahama Spending Taxpayer Money On Giant Billboards To Market His Failed Administration When The Youth Have No Jobs – Diamond Appiah Cries Out

The United Progressive Party (UPP) Parliamentary candidate for the Trobu constituency, Diamond Appiah, has hit out at the President for failing to create jobs for  the massive number of unemployed youth in the system but rather wasting money on giant billboards.
Diamond, a singer turned politician, took to social media Saturday to tear into the sitting President, railing against him for spending so much money to get re-elected when he has been unable to solve the problems facing the country.
Diamond, who only recently endorsed the candidature of President Mahama’s opponent for the Presidency, Nana Akuffo-Addo, shared a photo of a gigantic billboard showing off the President’s face and attacked the giant advertising of his ‘failed administration’.
She wrote:

Dear President Mahama , The Youth of this country are suffering, there are no jobs for us to do. After spending so many years in school we come out Frustrated, Jobless, Depressed and become Hopeless. Where are the jobs u promised the youth in the 2012 elections? Do u really care about our future? All you care about is wasting tax payers money to market yourself n your failed administration on GIANT BILLBOARDS when the people of Ghana are suffering n living in distress.

Diamond continued to bash the President, noting that a good message is more crucial than wasting all that money on giant billboards.
“We beg you in the name of God, Allah or whatever deity you believe in to desist from wasting our tax payers money on unnecessary things that doesn’t mean anything to the voter like billboards.” she added.
“The late President Mills campaigned and won without Giant billboards because he had a good message for the people of Ghana.”
Read her full rant in her post below…

This post was published on November 12, 2016 1:19 PM

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