When Your Pastor Is Caught Lying And You Can't Think Far – Read Some Of The Absurd Reasoning T.B Joshua Followers Are Using To Excuse His Failed 'Prophecy'

T.B Joshua

Prophet T.B Joshua was left red with egg in his face early Wednesday when the results for the 2016 US Presidential elections came back and it turned out Donald Trump had won fair and square.
Joshua, a renowned ‘prophet’ with near mythical status among his followers, had prophesied that Mrs Clinton would win the election ‘narrowly’.
After his embarrassing miscalculation, Joshua tried to walk back his prophesy by first deleting it from the Facebook page it was made on, then by posting it back up.
Still, you would think at this point his followers would have realised what a charlatan they are dealing with – afterall, who deletes ‘evidence’ of their wrongdoing except people who are guilty?
Yet, his followers have not even felt any pinch to wake up from their slumber. Reading through the comments on the reinstated Facebook post, one sees a bunch of people absolutely in denial about the fraud they are following, inventing all sorts of excuses for why Joshua’s prophesy did not come true.
Living in denial must be a wonderful thing because how anyone can look at how Joshua shamelessly tried to exploit the US elections to further his stock and woefully failed, and still think he is a ‘real man of God’ – is not particularly paying attention.
Read the diverse opinions below as these people tried their best to explain the unexplainable and end up making fools out of themselves.

This post was published on November 9, 2016 6:30 PM

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