Actor-TooSweet Annan Says He Does Not Not Know How A USA Based Ghanaian Lady Got Hold Of His M*sturbating Video–Claims He Lost His Phone & That May Have Had the Self-Pleasuring Video On
3 thoughts on “Actor-TooSweet Annan Says He Does Not Not Know How A USA Based Ghanaian Lady Got Hold Of His M*sturbating Video–Claims He Lost His Phone & That May Have Had the Self-Pleasuring Video On”
Wow he’s guilty. Chris please publish it because dude is not lol ready to cooperate here. He’s lying and scared that’s why he keeps avoiding your phone calls. The mastebation video should be out for the media.
Wow he’s guilty. Chris please publish it because dude is not lol ready to cooperate here. He’s lying and scared that’s why he keeps avoiding your phone calls. The mastebation video should be out for the media.
chris please post it
He’s rather disrespecting the girl. Now am getting pissed off. Please publish it so he can learn from this