Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari received lot of flak for his recent comments that his wife belongs to his kitchen. His spokesperson quickly came to his defence, saying he was only joking.
But in a new interview with DW’s Phil Gayle, Buhari says he absolutely meant what he said — that Aisha Buhari belongs to his kitchen, his bedroom and other room. He also added that his wife’s general function is to look after him.
DW: Recently your wife criticized your choices for top jobs, and you responded by saying “I don’t know which party my wife belongs to, but she belongs to my kitchen and my living room.” What did you mean by that, sir?
Buhari: I am sure you have a house. … You know where your kitchen is, you know where your living room is, and I believe your wife looks after all of that, even if she is working.
DW: That is your wife’s function?
Buhari: Yes, to look after me.
DW: And she should stay out of politics?
Buhari: I think so.
Watch the interview below… (Skip to 2:40 minutes mark)