CHRIS-VINCENT Writes: Feminism. President Muhammadu Buhari. First Lady Aisha Buhari–Feminism is Not About A Woman Imposing What She Thinks is Right For All Women On All Women
I’ve always argued that this whole feminism conception is misconstrued–and it’s mostly hijacked my some radical few who think they as women have a right to determine what every woman wants. Buhari said his wife’s position is in the kitchen, bedroom and the other rooms–and because of that, many have launched verbal assaults on Buhari and more also on the conception that the place of women is NEVER these places.
While it’s true that the kitchen is not the place for all women, it’s also true that some women actually want to have the kitchen or home as their place.
They want to be domestic wives and they are proud of that. Why can’t the narratives of these women be part of the discourse?
This whole notion that everyone wants the same thing; that everyone wants to be a career woman or be involved in the corporate world is a clear misrepresentation of the diverse and non-synchronized wants of women.
Buhari, if intended to ridicule the wife with that comment, is totally wrong for doing so.
But my point is, some women are really happy being domestic wives–and there’s nothing wrong with a man stating this.
Feminism has different layers; no one woman has a celestial mandate to say because she wants this, the needs and wants of every other woman are irrelevant.
Feminism as a socio-political movement does not agree on a lot of things and it’s because women have different needs, something the movement has struggled to always represent.
I know women who hate to be called “baby’ or be “whistled at” on the street and I know of others who say, they actually love that–and that when they walk by without men whistling at them, it’s an assault on their beauty and feminity.
So don’t speak as though you speak for all women—take note of the nuances in wants, when it comes to women.
I am not in any way justifying Buhari’s statement–I am just saying, not all women want the same thing and those who want whatever have an equal respectful right to that too.
Feminism is not about a woman imposing what she thinks is right for all women on all women.
And when it comes to YOU, ME and BUHARI, who is in the best position to know and state what Aisha Buhari wants?
********* “While referring to the position of Dame Patience Jonathan the wife of then President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in July 2013, Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka insisted that she was nothing but “Domestic Appendage” of her husband, the President and possess neither power nor office that is constitutionally recognized.” President Buhari in his interview reechoed the sentiment of prof Soyinka by insisting that his wife Aisha belongs to his kitchen, bedroom and other rooms but not the government. “First thing first, I am in agreement with Mr President’s position that his spouse holds no office in government (though I have no business in discoursing whether she belongs to the kitchen or bedroom)”–Someone wrote.