Violence Against Women
Putting aside the sadistic and absolutely needless murder of the three justices (one was a woman) – the brutal atrocities under the PNDC knew no bounds. In any civilised society, violence against women is absolutely abhorrent. It takes people shorn of any and all humanity to carry out such atrocities.
But the brutal policies of Rawling’s PNDC meant market woman, many of them mothers, suffered untold public humiliation at the hands of Rawlings’ soldiers. At a time of great economic hardship and famine, some of the market women were accused of hoarding supplies and selling their goods at exorbitant rates.
The punishment meted out to these women was horrific and swift. They were stripped naked and whipped by the mad officers of the revolution. Some were even forced to chew and swallow salt and pepper. The male sellers also implicated in such activities had their hair shaved with broken bottles, and also endured public flogging. It was a rotten time to be alive unless you ingratiated yourself with the government.
This post was published on September 29, 2016 9:45 AM
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