1. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah Was A Dictator Who Used the Preventive Detention Act (PDA) to Imprison Without Trial
It’s particularly ironic in the case of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah–as to how a freedom fighter of his nature soon became an aggressive oppressor of freedom. In 1958, just a year after Independence, the infamous Preventive Detention Act (PDA) was enacted, giving Nkrumah the power to put any citizen, especially those in opposition to him in prison without trial. That was not the end of it, Nkrumah “progressively tightened the noose of dictatorship around the country with further draconian laws.”
Ghanaian lawyer-Samuel Adjie Sarfo captures this as: “Eventually, no law existed in the country because Nkrumah became the law unto himself. He could imprison anybody without trial for as long as ten years. He could appoint and sack judges at will. He effectively abolished pluralistic democracy and made himself a life president with untrammelled powers to run the country as his personal property.”
In all persons there is good and there is bad, it is a matter of proportion, is the good greater that the bad or the other way around? Was Nkrumah rule worst that the European colonial masters? He was one of them and in the long run the young country would benefit from his efforts in spite of his flaws, he was an native, not representing outside rule, but was an indigenous leader with a vision and a determination to accomplish his vision, but as usual the worst enemies of progress are many times are their own people who forgets what it was under foreign rule.