Lie #5 The Tower of Babel
The story of the Tower of Babel is allegedly the origin of the diversity of human languages in the world. Like most other bible stories attempting to explain something about the world, it’s puerile and asinine. The story tells the story of a group of people who built a tower so tall which was approaching the heavens, it got God worried and he brought down different languages to confuse them and halt their structure.
Linguistically, we know that isn’t the origin of languages. Whilst the Bible itself does not mention the height of the building, the Book of Jubilees claim they achieved 5,433 cubits (which is 2,388m). For comparison, the tallest building in the world now is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, standing at 830m. The three people left in the world after the flood were able to build something three times the height of the Burj Khalifa and it stood without crumbling. That makes sense.
The first three, humans interpreted the stories like that, Noah’s ark was actually proven and the book of Jubilees isn’t apart of the bible