Lie #4 Noah’s Ark
A 600 year old man (lie) and his three children built a monstrous ark bigger than anything ever before built, and put two of every living animal on it. Then a vengeful deity destroyed everything on this planet with water including every man, woman and child (or pregnant women). There’s little evidence in archaeology this happened, not to mention it’s logistically impossible to bring every animal on earth – from the Artic to Australia – to one little point in the middle east.
Not to go into Noah actually being able to build the boat as mentioned in the bible and be able to get it to float. You know, like how a dedicated Christian called Ken Ham built one with $100m and all the power of modern technology, to God’s exact specifications – and he can’t get it to float even though he really really wanted it to. Besides, the story emanates from an older tale, the Epic of Gilgamesh. Myth, yes; history, no.

The first three, humans interpreted the stories like that, Noah’s ark was actually proven and the book of Jubilees isn’t apart of the bible