I can bet my last farthing ,that we can never win this argument no matter how hard we try. Over the years, we have been made to swallow this bitter pill of accepting that it is only typical if men cheat in relationships, being it marriage or the usual and though we have tried countless times to rid this 2nd century misconception, our fight has been impossible if not futile.
To many, it is a man’s thing to cheat and this has been the trite slogan men have used with no shame. In as much as we may swore never to forgive the cheating partner , we eventually give in once we are sweet talked by these same self decorated beasts. The rippling truth is, only but a few men can stay faithful and though we may not come out as women to boldly say it, a lot of us are have accepted cheating indeed is a man’s thing.
Well, Nollywood actress who is known for crying in almost all the movies the ever starred in is saying any actress who finds her husband cheating should just forgive him and move on as if nothing happened.
According to her, the only time a woman can leave her marriage is when her husband becomes abusive. I do not know how others would define abuse but how is cheating not abuse. Chopping down other women when you have professed your undying love to another.
“You know I’m a Christian, I’m born again, and I’m a minister so no ground is good enough. The Bible charges a man to love his wife as God loves the church. God has not abandoned us because of our sins, even when He caught us red-handed. He still loves us; He’s still giving us the best of help. However, your inner strength should tell you that you have to be morally upright. If you are morally upright, you are not doing it for anyone but for yourself. So, do the best that you can be proud of” she told TS Weekender.