" I am Searching For A Wife" – Papa Nii

papa niipapa nii
papa nii

No man they say is an island and there couldn’t be an appropriate time to look for someone to warm the blankets with that this cold season when the rain has decided to fall without announcement.
Veteran actor, Pattington Papa Nii Papa fiord who for the past five years been sharing his big bed with no one says he is looking for a better half.
Speaking to Multimedia’s MzGee the actor who is known for his absurd choice of vocabulary revealed that it is the attitude of couples that lead to the many divorces not their varied careers. He said that he realised he was not compatible with his ex wife hence the need for them to go their separate ways.
“I’m looking for love, I’m looking for companionship. People have gone to first world war and failed, second world war and failed, third world war and failed but others have also gone to first world and failed but succeeded at the second world war. Even others have succeeded after third world war so nothing shows that once you’ve failed, you will fail forever.”
Adding that though his manhood has been dormant for the past five years, he knows it is still a gentleman and would not disappoint.
So if you know any lady who is also looking forward to tie the knot soon enough, I guess you now know where to lead them to.

This post was published on September 20, 2016 12:15 PM