Hassan Ayariga is one of the top clowns in Ghana politics, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, as they say.
The founder and leader of the All People’s Congress has passed an uncharacteristically prescient comment on the state of Ghana politics, saying that there are more armed robbers in positions of high authority than out on the street robbing the citizenry.
Ayariga was speaking to TV3 over the weekend about the state of Ghana politics and his plans for the nation when elected into office.
“We have more armed robbers in government institutions than the smaller ones you see robbing and taking the minor things. So what we need to do is to first find situations where we can create jobs so that we can link unemployment to job creation.” he said.
He said the problem of corruption has to be tackled from the bottom up, since starting from the top could lead to ‘killing everybody’.
“The first thing is to find out what the course problem is. You don’t tackle from the top.
“If you tackle from the top, you’d kill everybody because we have more armed robbers in the system than those out there.”