2. The Valentine Syndrome
Over the years, we have come to accept that valentines day is a day for lovers and left for some of us, the day would be declared a public holiday.
Take mothers day from the list and Valentine’s day is next to popular and much talked about events on the calendar. Sometimes I feel the day is accorded unnecessary relevance and hype. That is however no excuse for a man who has deliberately decided to forget this day.
I do not know if it is about the chocolate they would buy or the love they would show— lil Win certainly has to help me on this one because I sincerely cannot think far on this one.
Yes!, he would forget and because he is shameless, he would not even have the decency to make it up to you. I am dating you and it is Valentine’s day, the least you can do is to surprise me with a bottle of wine and a flower but he will not do it.
If your village witches happen to be on duty that very day, he would not even send you a simple hello. And people can still not believe it when we tell them we are single— some of are incurable romantics.
Scratching my head as to why an article addressing an issue between African men and women has a white couple as the main image. As Africans several generations removed from the continent and forced to live in America, we look up to you. Having never been enslaved and never having your connection to Mother Africa interrupted, we admire you and long to live in a country, as you do, where positive black imagery can flourish. To see this front and center feels like the same white supremacy brainwashing we’ve been battered with here. Unexpected and jolting to find it in an African publication. Why? Or what am I missing?