SPOILER ALERT!! – HUGE Character Making A Return To Game Of Thrones – Fans Would Love This!

Game of Thrones is going to have an abbreviated seventh and eighth seasons, terrible news for fans of the longstanding hit HBO show.
In return, we hope for explosive content and action that would top even the high standards Thrones usually sets.
The show is set to commence shooting soon in Belfast, Ireland, a regular shooting location, and already fan sightings are informing us of huge developments in store next season.
According to Game of Thrones fansite Watchers on the Wall, actor Joe Dempsie has been spotted going into Belfast. A fan spotted him at the airport and snapped a photo of him as confirmation.

Dempsie, for those hard of sight, played Gendry in the early seasons of the show. A bastard of Robert Baratheon, he was one of the people in the travelling party containing Arya and Hot Pie that were travelling North after the beheading of Lord Eddard Stark.
Gendry and Arya later joined the Brotherhood Without Banners, from where the Red Woman came for Gendry for his ‘king’s blood’. Ser Davos put him to sea in a little rowboat to save him from being used as a sacrifice to the Red God, and homeboy has been rowing on the seas ever since.
The manner of Gendry’s eventual return has been one of the biggest joke material in the Game of Thrones fandom, and it looks like we might actually be seeing it for real next season.

Gendry (l), with Arya and Hot Pie

This post was published on September 15, 2016 3:49 PM

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